Helping You Grow Wealth Through Real Estate
The actual info needed will vary according to your loan program. If you wish, you can use this list as a worksheet and fax/email it to us.
Property Address:
City, State ZIP:
Current Market Value: $
Current Mortgage Balance: $
Amount of cash out at closing, if any: $
Will a second mortgage remain after this refinance? Yes or No
If yes, what is the current mortgage balance: $
When did you take out your current first mortgage: ______/______/_______
What is the interest rate on your current first mortgage loan: ________%
What type of loan is your current first mortgage (i.e. 5/1 Adjustable, 30 year fixed, etc):
Are you willing and able to document your Income? Yes or No
Are you willing and able to document your Assets? Yes or No
Monthly HOA Dues (if any): $
Homeowner's insurance premium: $
Occupancy: Owner-occupied or Non-owner occupied (rental/investment) or 2nd-home/Vacation
Type of Property: Condo or Townhome or Single-family or Multi-family
Borrower Name:
Marital Status:
Birth date:
Current Address:
How long at this address:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Borrower Name:
Marital Status:
Birth date:
Current Address:
How long at this address:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Gross income (before any deductions): $
Type of income: Salary/Wages or Commission
Other income: $
Source of other income (i.e. bonuses, rentals):
Name of employer:
Position/Job title:
How long with current employer?
Gross income (before any deductions): $
Type of income: Salary/Wages or Commission
Other income: $
Source of other income (i.e. bonuses, rentals):
Name of employer:
Position/Job title:
How long with current employer?
Cash in bank:
Mutual funds:
Retirement accounts:
Proceeds from sale of your current home:
Cash in bank:
Mutual funds:
Retirement accounts:
Proceeds from sale of your current home:
(Total MINIMUM monthly payment for each)
Credit card debt: $
Student loans: $
Vehicle loans: $
Other loans: $
(Total MINIMUM monthly payment for each)
Credit card debt: $
Student loans: $
Vehicle loans: $
Other loans: $
Do you own other real estate? Yes or No
I authorize KRC Group Inc / Steve Rumberg to obtain a consumer credit report containing my credit history.
Social Security Number:
I authorize KRC Group Inc / Steve Rumberg to obtain a consumer credit report containing my credit history.
Social Security Number:
Direct: (408) 723-5200,